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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

1-3 Discussion

1-3 Discussion

Q Discussion: Persuasion in Everyday Life (GRADED) For this GRADED discussion, you will work with your peers. In your initial post, think about a time in your life where you tried to persuade someone to do something. Keep in mind that this doesn't have to be a situation that was a full-blown argument—it can be something as simple as convincing a friend to go to a specific restaurant for lunch—and it doesn't have to be a situation where you "won" the other person over either. Before you begin writing, please review the discussion rubric (click here) to make sure you fulfill all of the required tasks. You can also download/print the rubric by clicking here. When you've come up with the moment, write two fully developed paragraphsexplaining it to your classmates. In the first paragraph, describe the moment of persuasion so that your instructor and peers can "see" it. In the second paragraph, explain why you felt like that moment of persuasion was either successful or unsuccessful. What strategies or techniques did you use to try to get the person to side with you? When you've finished, read over your peers' posts and respond to at least two of them with at least one fully developed paragraph. What is your reaction to their moment of persuasion? Would you have done the same thing, or would you have approached the situation differently? Why or why not? Remember, your approach can be completely different from your peer's approach, as you can bring your own unique perspectives and life experiences to the situation. Keep an eye out for responses on your original thread throughout the week and be sure to respond to them as well. Try to keep the conversation going throughout the module. 1-3 Discussion: Persuasion in Everyday Life Cohort ENG-123-R2122-OL-TRAD-UG.18EW2

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Persuasion is not a very easy task and everybody has to deal with it a number of times in their lifetime. I believe in my own principles and act in certain ways that become the reason for conflicts in many circumstances. Keeping in mind all of these I would like to share with everyone a moment in my life when one of my cousins wanted to drop college. I am always in favour of education and so I tried to make him understand why college is necessary. The whole thing started with him getting very low grade in the final high school results.